Labels:text | black and white | font | diagram | printing OCR: NEW RED BOX! HELP IS NEEDED We need ing, on the following Subjects for future articles In TAP. Automatic Blue Boxes- With Info about where they're ane- A 2 -oVo Vending Machines- Locks, getting stuff, etz. 220K- Lecks: New code books, dickingg Medeco, 10 Barywe: Keso, tricks, etc. 470k Badlo- Setting up your yan statica, transmiller schematies S 120k and building jammers, info on pirate station legal hastles. ON- 100) Bursar Alarms: Such as Holmes and other central station alarmes, bypanalog, electronic keys and picking, etc. Also, Macosts, gyorsnas Phresking, and Chemistry, e. 2k Resistors are 1/4watt, 57. Capacitors are 11 1 10 volts or more. * denotes bi-stability. Transistor is 2N2222, Hep 55, or RCA 2 555 7 2 7 47k SK3020. Timer is NE555, top view,of 8- Timer Flip- 3 Flop 620K pin min ...